Another Batch of Writing


​A small batch of updates this time. Hyper #228 is out, and I have two features. The first is an extensive preview of Assassin's Creed III, which is shaping up really nicely. I'm genuinely looking forward to it, even though I'm not sure the overall system has changed.

In particular I'm looking forward to seeing how Ubisoft will tackle the colonial United States. It's a subject of history in which I'm pretty fascinated. ​

The other article is a feature on how games are exploring politics, and political ideas. Some really fascinating interview subjects in this one - including ​some who think game shouldn't explore political ideas at all. 


My other piece is a preview of Watch Dogs in the new PC PowerPlay. I interviewed the creative director at E3, and it looks like they're pretty keen on allowing players to use information in whatever way they want. Blackmail ho! 

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