April writing update

 It occurred to me recently I've done quite a bit of writing, but haven't made any updates on them. Such is life. Things happen and I get busy. In any case, I've done a few things, apart from writing, so wanted to consolidate them into one easy, just-add-water update. 

Back in March, I wrote a feature on strategy games for Hyper magazine, and how they make us smarter. At this point I'm not sure if I can get a scan online, but I'd definitely love to. If you want to buy it on iOS, it's in the March issue. 

More recently, I have a feature in the latest edition of PC PowerPlay about developers who make their games completely solo. I interviewed three devs - Alex Bruce, the creator of Antichamber, Lucas Pope, who made Papers, Please and Luke Hodorowicz, who made Banished. They were gracious enough with their time and it made for a great piece, I think, so please pick it up on shelves or on iOS if you'd like.

I also went to GDC in San Francisco this year, where I covered five panels for Games.On.Net - you can find those here. This was my first GDC, and a lot of really interesting talks and interviews came out of it. Watch for more GDC coverage over the next couple of months from me.

Also in GDC, the folks at Christ and Pop Culture were kind enough to invite me on their podcast. If you can get past my incessant ramblings there's some good discussion here from everyone. Well worth listening to, (and a site well worth reading, also).

And outside of games, earlier this year I had an essay published by Christianity Today on something more personal than usual - my journey in dealing with a miscarriage my wife suffered last year. A little more introspective than I usually write, but I felt I had something to say. You can read it here. 

That's it for now. Stay tuned. 

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