PAX Australia - Thanks for visiting the site!


Hello all!  

I realise this won't apply to everyone, but I thought it would be best to write up a quick post saying "hi" to those who have come here through seeing my Streetpass at PAX Australia. 

You might say it's a little tricky of me to share my website this way, but hey, at least I'm not trying to sell you something for cash. That would be CRAZY. 

So I hope you had a good time at the show, and I'm glad you came to the site. I'm a journalist by trade, and I think you might find something that I've written worth reading.

To get an idea of the type of stuff I write, check out this piece I recently had published over at Polygon: What Happened to John Marston? I tracked down the voice actor for John Marston and we spoke at length about why he left the entertainment industry for good. 

Stuff like that. Stuff about people.  

I have plenty of other pieces too - you can browse them over here at my Selected Work page. Are you a writer, or a creative type? Then you might even enjoy my podcast - I interview long-form writers in the games journalism scene. 

But I don't want to bombard you with stuff. Feel free to follow me on Twitter at @pdstafford, and say hi! 

Hope to speak to you soon!